Thursday 6 October 2011

plot synopsis

Plot synopsis
A man is sitting with his head in hands in a police cell, the man is in his early thirties. The only sound coming from the cell is the dripping of the pipe at the back of the cell. The sound of  the lock on the door being unlocked on the door makes the man lift his head up to reveal  a scar across his left eye.
The man is then transported to an interview room for questioning. During the questioning it is found out that the character has been taken in for questioning over the deaths of a woman , who had been found dead in an area of woodland,  having been strangled. During the questioning the male character has numerous flashbacks about different parts of his life. These flashbacks reveal that the characters mother died in childbirth and that his dad couldn’t cope with the death of his mother started to drink heavily and started abusing the child. The flashbacks then identify the numerous written to a girl in the same school of him and how these notes became more and more frequent that the young girl eventually moved away. 15 years later the character tracked down the girl and starts the whole note making process again and starts following her around and taking photographs leading to her suicide.
The man is then released until further charges, where he immediately runs away, with the cops on his back he then leads many other woman victims to their suicides by the same process as he had done for his childhood sweetheart  leaving notes made out of newspaper letters giving the officers clues where to find the man. The police give up on the man after a year of searching only for another mysterious death to occur 3 years later with the same notes made out of newspaper letterings this time giving the officers the location of the next crime, in anticipation they arrive at the crime scene where there is a body hanging from a tree with a mask over its face the others the remove the bag to find that it is the murderer, with the note “It’s all a game to me “